As new cases of Zika continue to pop up across the United States, it’s more essential than ever to take proper precautions to avoid contact with biting mosquito populations. Mosquitoes are vector pests and can transmit other harmful diseases such as West Nile virus and Chikungunya, in addition to Zika. With warm weather rolling in, the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) and Franklin Pest Solutions are urging the public to take extra precautions when spending time outdoors and when getting their homes and property in shape for spring.
“Prime mosquito season is fast-approaching and it is important for people to be aware and to know how to protect themselves from these potentially dangerous insects,” said Dave Sloop, Franklin Pest Solutions Michigan City Branch Manager. “Given the health risks like Zika that are increasing in our country, it’s important to remain vigilant in mosquito services techniques, which include eliminating breeding grounds around the yard, understanding these pests’ behaviors, and correctly applying insect repellent.”
Mosquito Services a Must For Homeowners this Season
The first step to combating mosquitoes this year is going to be changing your mentality. It’s just not safe to go outside without protection anymore. If you don’t have bug spray in the house already, now’s a great time to pick some up next time you’re at the store. Always remember to protect yourself and your kids. Some of the reports that happened last year where mosquitoes were testing positive for West Nile Virus hit way too close to home. That same species of mosquito is also the one responsible for transmitting the Zika Virus. Always. Wear. Bug spray. Especially when you’re near the lake, or near dense vegetation.
Preventing Mosquito Bites
To prevent the health risks that can potentially accompany an already-pesky mosquito bite, be sure to follow these mosquito services tips from the NPMA:
- When spending time outdoors, apply an insect repellant containing at least 20% DEET, picaridin or oil of lemon-eucalyptus, and reapply as directed on the label. People who are spending long amounts of time outdoors should also consider wearing long pants, long-sleeved shirts and closed-toe shoes to limit exposure to mosquitoes. The main type of mosquito that carries Zika is a daytime biter, so taking preventive measures at all times of the day is crucial.
- Anyone traveling outside of the United States should be aware of travel advisories currently in effect. Pack plenty of insect repellent and protective clothing. If a person falls ill upon returning home, seek prompt medical attention.
- Mosquitoes need only about a half an inch of water to breed, so homeowners should eliminate areas of standing water such as flowerpots, birdbaths, baby pools, grill covers and other objects where water collects.
- Even children’s toys like buckets and sandboxes can collect water and become a breeding ground for mosquitoes right in the backyard, so be sure to keep these objects water-free.
- Screen all windows and doors, and patch up even the smallest tear or hole on screens.
- If there are concerns about mosquito activity on the property, contact a licensed pest control company or the local mosquito abatement district.
Mosquito Control Services
Franklin Pest Solutions offers affordable mosquito control services throughout the warm seasons for backyards when they’re abundant. Our current customers who have us provide these mosquito control services for them year after year swear by it. They’ve told us how nice it is to be able to sit in their yard and relax with family and friends without getting eaten alive. It’s protection and comfort. Guaranteed! Plus, we’ll also tell you tips on how to get rid of mosquitos around the house by eliminating specific conducive conditions.
We’ll help keep you protected from the burdens and risks of mosquitoes this year!
Get a free quote today!
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