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9 Tips to Keep Rodents Out As Fall Pushes Pests Indoors

The National Pest Management Association has declared October 18th-24th Rodent Awareness week. So, this means we will be unloading all types of facts, tips, memes and more on our FacebookInstagram, and Twitter! Get your home ready for fall pests with help from Franklin.

This July, Advanced Symbolics Inc. conducted a study that showed that 11 million online engagements took place on the topic of rodents disrupting your homes’ health. In addition, the same research also revealed a 16 percent increase in rodent sightings. The rodents are out, about and trying to get in! NPMA and Franklin Pest Solutions want to make sure that the health and integrity of your home is protected and stays strong through the colder months.

Lucky for you, Franklin Pest Solutions has been protecting northwest Indiana and southern Michigan since the Great Depression, warding off mice, rats, bugs, you name it! So, we definitely know a thing or two about unwanted pests and the best effective remedies. Getting your house prepared for fall pests will help ensure that everything is order to keep winter pests out. Continue reading below to learn the identifying signs of rodent issues, how to get rid of rodents, and what preventive measures you can take to keep your home rodent-free.

Identifying the Source and Protecting Your Home From Rodents

The infographic below identifies the key signs of a rodent infestation in progress along with a few proactive tips.

9 Tips to Keep Rodents Out

In addition to the tips on the infographic above, we also have a few additional points of rodent interest listed in the tips below:

  1. Seal any cracks or crevices with an appropriate sealant, paying close attention to where utilities and pipes entire the home
  2. Replace loose mortar and weather stripping around the basement foundation and windows
  3. Keep basements and attics clean and dry and store boxes off of the floor
  4. Screen all vents, windows, doors and chimneys
  5. Store firewood at least 20 feet from the home and five feet off the ground
  6. Keep shrubbery and tree branches cut back from the house
  7. Eliminate all moisture sites around the home, including leaking pipes and clogged drains
  8. Store food in airtight containers and dispose of garbage outdoors regularly
  9. Contact a licensed pest control professional if an infestation is suspectedHouse Mouse

Are you looking for extra support in keeping rodents out? Give us a call at 1-800-GOT-PESTS? Our knowledgeable team ready to help get to the root of the problem. Protect your home from rats, mice, and 10+ more common invaders all year with our Healthy Home Maintenance Program (HHMP). Four scheduled visits, once every three months, and any issues between visits is handled free of charge. Our customer service speaks for itself. With Franklin Pest Solutions’ expertise, you’re in good hands.

You've got a pest problem. We've got your pest solution.

Whether you've got wasps, rodents, spiders (or you name it), we can assist with your pest situation. Drop us a line to tell us what's going on and we'll schedule your pest control services!

Get Rid of My Pest!

Safe For Your Family and Business

We're licensed, trained, and certified by the Departments of Public Health and Agriculture, using safe, EPA-regulated materials, always.

Attacking Infestations at the Root

We don't come in spraying. We evaluate the root of your problem, and recommend and enact pre-emptive measures before any chemicals are used. 

Assessments Before Any Contracts

 Our Customer Care Center walks you through every service, every charge, and every solution before you agree to anything. Our commitment is to you.