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Wait a minute…a pest control company made STEM programs for kids? What is THAT all about?

What you thought you knew about protecting public health has evolved. We’re not exterminators. That’s a descriptor of the past when everything revolved around chemicals. Today, being a pest management professional encompasses science, technology, chemistry, math, psychology and interpersonal skills to find a healthy balance between humans and nature. Sounds pretty STEM-my, don’t you think? 🤓

Making an Impact

For a few years now, Franklin’s Bug Squad have been making an impact in the communities we serve with educational school visits, Girl Scout programs, summer camp activities and various sports and museum partner projects. We love sharing our passion for science and environmental health with all ages. We have so much fun in the process that kids don’t even realize they’re learning valuable information for life!

stem programs for kids northwest indiana

Download the Franklin STEM Program Flyer!

Superheroes In Training

Public Health is VITAL to our well-being and our food supplies. We need more public health superheroes in this world to make sure disease doesn’t break out! So we’re educating kids (and re-educating adults) about all the important scientific knowledge that goes into a career in public and environmental health. And it’s AWESOME.


Girl Scout Spark Days

Did you know that nationally, only 7% of pest management professionals are women? At Franklin Pest Solutions, 32% of our staff members are women! We think that’s the bees’ knees. Franklin partnered up with the Girl Scouts of Chicagoland and Greater Northwest Indiana a year or so ago and created a program that lets scouts explore all the different careers associated with our industry. Girls like bugs too, you know!!

Franklin and sister company, Rose Pest Solutions in Chicago, host two Spark Days each year, where 30 Brownies and Juniors spent a few hours doing various hands-on activities associated with being an Entomologist, a Beekeeper, a Pest Management Professional, a Marketing Specialist, a Customer Care Representative and more.

   Girl Scouts love science  girl scouts live insects

Healthier Together

We’re so grateful for all the neighbors and friends we’ve made through these programs. The support means the world to us. Every kid (and parent) will come away from one of these visits knowing way more about the natural world around them than they ever thought they could. And that’s super cool.

rose stem programs

If you’re interested in having the Bug Girls come visit your school or group, please with some info and we’ll do our best to make it happen!

You've got a pest problem. We've got your pest solution.

Whether you've got wasps, rodents, spiders (or you name it), we can assist with your pest situation. Drop us a line to tell us what's going on and we'll schedule your pest control services!

Get Rid of My Pest!

Safe For Your Family and Business

We're licensed, trained, and certified by the Departments of Public Health and Agriculture, using safe, EPA-regulated materials, always.

Attacking Infestations at the Root

We don't come in spraying. We evaluate the root of your problem, and recommend and enact pre-emptive measures before any chemicals are used. 

Assessments Before Any Contracts

 Our Customer Care Center walks you through every service, every charge, and every solution before you agree to anything. Our commitment is to you.