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Get a Jump Start on Spring Cleaning

Even though March 20th was the official first day of spring, we are still waiting for this cold weather to break. Just because it doesn’t feel like spring outside doesn’t mean we can’t start our usual spring activities inside. And nothing says Spring like some good ol’ spring cleaning!

In between rainy day movies, pick a closet or a cupboard and go through it. Clean it out. Make a clothing donation pile, toss any spices or pantry items that may be expired, and if you’re feeling SUPER ambitious, pull out the stove or fridge and vacuum all the stuff that’s been living under there for months or even years. You got this.

Giving Back with Movers for Moms

Giving Back with Movers for Moms

Franklin is partnering with Two Men and a Truck for the second year in a row at our Indianapolis, Lafayette, Michigan City, and New Albany Indiana locations! (If you are unfamiliar with this partnership you can read more here!) Each location is partnering with a local charity in their area to help moms in need!

“TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® was started by a mom, has women in key leadership roles across the company, and some of our most successful franchisees are women, so the idea for Movers for Moms® came to us naturally.”

Donations are accepted through the end of May 💐

Come see us!! Franklin Pest Solutions‘ offices have donation boxes stationed at the three locations mentioned above for drop off or you can click on the QR codes in the images below to access each location’s virtual donation list/Amazon Wishlist.




New Albany, IN | Benefitting Refuge for Women in Louisville
Wish List: personal hygiene items, household items, cleaning supplies, and gift cards

Spring Cleaning and Pest-Proofing

While decluttering around your house why not pest-proof at the same time? While doing a deep clean, inspect the quality of your window screens, get rid of empty containers under the sink, check to make sure the pipes aren’t leaking. Holes in screens and pooling water are huge welcome signs to pests just as ants, cockroaches and other seasonal pests. Below are some additional tips to make sure your home is ready to welcome spring and keep pests out.

  • Seal up cracks and small openings along the foundation of the house.
  • Clean out clogged gutters and downspouts to ensure they are properly functioning.
  • Repair loose mortar and replace worn weather-stripping around all windows and doors.
  • Screen window and doors.
  • Cut back tree branches and other plants from the house.
  • Keep kitchens clean by wiping down counters, sinks, floors and shelves.
  • Store food in airtight containers clean and sealed, both indoors and outdoors.
  • Empty the garbage frequently.
  • Eliminate sources of moisture or standing water from leaky pipes or faucets.

Franklin is Here For You

If you had bugs in the house before winter, you are probably going to notice them as soon as the sun starts to warm up the south and west sides of the house. We have an awesome solution for that though. Ask us today for a free quote for The Healthy Home Maintenance Program (HHMP), our most popular residential pest service.

HHMP Chart

You've got a pest problem. We've got your pest solution.

Whether you've got wasps, rodents, spiders (or you name it), we can assist with your pest situation. Drop us a line to tell us what's going on and we'll schedule your pest control services!

Get Rid of My Pest!

Safe For Your Family and Business

We're licensed, trained, and certified by the Departments of Public Health and Agriculture, using safe, EPA-regulated materials, always.

Attacking Infestations at the Root

We don't come in spraying. We evaluate the root of your problem, and recommend and enact pre-emptive measures before any chemicals are used. 

Assessments Before Any Contracts

 Our Customer Care Center walks you through every service, every charge, and every solution before you agree to anything. Our commitment is to you.